Thursday, January 30, 2020

Naw, the Revolution damn sure will NOT be televised, Brother Gil Scott-Heron never DID lie to Us, did he! 😏 
It wont be televised while happening on the street. It won't be televised while happening in our homes. It won't be televised while happening in these schools ouchere oppressing our children about their hair. It won't be televised while happening in our workplaces where WE are being oppressed about OUR hair. It won't be televised while happening at black churches of Christendom when the majority of Us turn our backs and walk away-- forever shuttin down massa's embedded passivity in our grey matter. It won't be televised while we snatch up wiipeepo from hijacking the narratives of OUR STORIES which WE aim to tell. 
The Revolution will not be televised while happening in MANY instances. 
But happening it IS, and it will KEEP happening.
And when it IS finally televised, it will be because the nation and the world are no longer able to ignore the ripples reaching farther and wider on the regular and some SHIT been FORCED to change!


~ K
halid Sowande ~

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Excising What Separates Us: Overhauling Our Mindsets by Khalid Sowande

On Our journey of overall Ascendance, We must first overhaul Our mindset. One aspect of such an overhaul is re-examining perpetuated terminology that has become societally normalized.
Herein are examples of terms/labels which have become normalized, but should no longer be acceptable. I share them here in two separate lists:
List#1 Originated from colonizers, and
List#2 Originated by the Oppressed Due to colonization.
Recognizing the lists separately helps Us to see how the latter was born of the former.

The label "Illegitimate" for children born out of wedlock

The label "Bitch" for women

The label "Whore" for women

The religious label "Saved"

The white supremacist labels "minority" & "ethnic"

The racial labels "white" and "black" (notice that these two peoples are the ONLY PEOPLES who are formally labeled by COLORS, everyone else is known by NATIONALITY!!!? Ask yourself, Why?🤔)

The misogynistic  label "Thot"

The condescending label "retarded"

The misogynistic label/reference "female"for black women used by black men

Labeling which automatically equates Gay Man with Effeminate Man

Labels which equate Gay people with Trans people

Labels which equate Mental Illness with Weakness

Labels like "pussy", "soft" and "sensitive" which deride black men who do not elect to hide themselves behind machismo and pre-designated characterization roles for black men.

Kindreds feel free to add other instances of which you are aware that I may have overlooked here... this is a learning AS WELL as teaching moment!

Let us overhaul our mindsets TOGETHER.
