Friday, March 11, 2016

by Khalil Somadi

Look, don't be cheap. Ok?
Don't be the kinda person easily bought and sold to the highest bidder!

Somebody needs somebody to be their mouthpiece for injustice and hatemongers, so they promise you notoriety and makeshift power in the limelight, and you jump at the chance to speak their words. You're no better than a dummy for a ventriloquist. Bought with a promise of pieces of silver!
Brothers and SISTERS, stop being CHEAP!

Somebody needs somebody to make money off of. So they see you showing no pride in yourself, exhibiting memory loss about your own royalty, and they offer you coke, crack, meth, alcohol. They promise you a chilled out frame of mind where everything is copacetic and your problems disappear like magic. So you hurry up! and give him your hard earned money (HOWEVER you may earn it!) You're no better than a slave being pimped to agents who eat your soul a little bit more every day.
Bought with the promise of Easy Street. Guess what? You're being played; problems don't get solved that way!
Brothers and sisters stop being CHEAP!

Stop selling yourself short, selling out for a promise of notoriety or for having some peace in your spirit that nobody can manufacture for you in any way that truly matters.

If you want to be Notorious or Known, be notorious for pursuing Truth and sharing Light. Be known for realizing you are of royalty and for carrying yourself like you know it.

If you want peace in your spirit, you have to humble yourself to open your soul and face whatever monsters lurk there. You have to LOOK and SEE so that you can identify their source and purge it thru sheer will and a concrete desire to ascend to your higher self!

You can't tip toe around it.
You can't straddle any fences.
Just as you cant get out of the storm and into a better more comfortable house thru some hidden hole in the wall or secret crack in the floor; as James Baldwin once said, " got to come in thru the door!"

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