Thursday, March 17, 2016

by Khalil Somadi 

We need to pause and think before year after year continuing to celebrate all these European holidays that Americans jump on the bandwagon for! 
Just about every popular U.S. holiday celebrated Today has very negative history attached to it and race usually plays a part in that history in some way or another!
Keep in mind if you will that white oppressors have always celebrated their most atrocious bloodletting--  from public lynchings of blacks,  which were entertainment at their  picnics, to pub crawling on St. Patrick's Day to celebrate "Saint" Patrick who committed genocide against an entire tribe of Africans. It has all become so desensitized that none of Us think twice about it, we just go with the flow. 
It's time to change the flow and the  current though Kindred! 
Don't just celebrate these bullshyt holidays because everybody else does, or because you've always celebrated them, or because you never took the time and care to check out for your OWNSELF what a popular holiday is actually founded on. 
And then once some of Us DO find  out the truth, we still go right on celebrating them and making excuses to celebrate them and being complacent because it feels easier to do than stepping outside the robot mill and doing differently.  
Supposedly once we know better, so said Dr. Maya Angelou,  we do better, right? Where is the logic in doing otherwise???
Wake up Kindred. Wake up!

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