Friday, March 18, 2016

Khalil Somadi

I want you to realize something Kindreds...
You can't look to other people to validate your worth; and I'm speaking here and now to a specific aspect of validation where I see our people still getting it twisted, and that is 
feeling you do not measure up in this society of white supremacy. 
Don't look to be validated by the white man. For one thing he nor anyone else is authentically capable of validating your worth. He however wants you to BELIEVE, is in fact COUNTING on you to believe! that he can and will, 
so that when he withholds it from you, you will be left not knowing what to do with your feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. He WANTS you to feel those things, because it plays into his own superiority complex and his attempts to systematically puppeteer us as a people.

But we have the power to validate ourselves. It is ours already. 
And the first step to exercising it is to realize it, then claim and embrace it. 
Validate your own self worth Kindred! There is nothing more affecting than a people who love themselves and need no exterior validation of their worth. Psychological warfare cannot conquer you if you do not surrender your mind to it. Question EVERYTHING they attempt to feed you mentally and use logic and the information you uncover on your own fact-finding missions to substantiate your footsteps. 
As 'Mr. Brown' is famous for saying: "The Devil is a liar! "

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